The TechMed Event is all about informing you about the latest scientific insights and sharing new innovations and unique technological solutions that will transform healthcare for the benefit of all of us. We believe that curiosity, collaborative research and innovation help to create, discover and set out advances to improve the patient's journey. We have developed an inspiring and educational knowledge event with many inspiring keynotes, presentations and discussions on how we can shape a healthy future, together. Meanwhile, you'll meet, connect and match with healthcare professionals across the MedTech community.
During the full day, you will have access to various sessions and networking opportunities.
Confirmed speakers
We are currently finalizing the program sessions and securing speakers for each segment. Below is an overview (in random order) of the confirmed live speakers. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to refine the program.
- Kylle Jordan, Destination Medical Center
- Rinke Zonneveld, Invest NL
- Miriam Vollenrboek-Hutten, Medisch Spectrum Twente & University of Twente
- Niels Hagenaars, Gupta Strategics
- Iris van Bemmel, FME
- Ivo Aarinkhof, Teledyne
- Erwin Hans, University of Twente
- Danny Ruijters, Phillips & TU/e
- Natalia Uzunbajakava, TNO-Holst
- Erwin Holtland, MedTech Twente
- Ivar Hageman, Saxion University of Applied Sciences & FC Twente
- Anique Bellos-Grob, University of Twente & ZGT
- Elke Wirtz (Tech.Land)
- Hanneke Bodewes (TOPFIT)
- Guillen Fernandez Reumann (Radboudumc)
- Nick Beijer, RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment)