Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. med. h.c. Robert Riener

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Prof.dr.-ing. Dr. Med Robert Riener
ETH Zurich | Health Sciences and Technology - FULL PROFESSOR

Robert Riener is full professor for Sensory-Motor Systems at the Department of Health Sciences and Technology, ETH Zurich, and full professor of medicine at the University Hospital Balgrist, University of Zurich. His work focuses on the investigation of the sensory-motor interactions between humans and machines and the development of user-cooperative rehabilitation robots, exoskeletons and virtual reality technologies. Riener is the initiator and organizer of the Cybathlon. He has published more than 400 peer-reviewed journal and conference articles, 20 books and book chapters and filed 25 patents. He has received 22 personal distinctions and awards including the Swiss Technology Award in 2006, the IEEE TNSRE Best Paper Award 2010, the euRobotics Technology Transfer Awards 2011 and 2012, the European Excellence Award 2017 and the Yahoo Sports Technology Award. In 2018 Riener obtained the honorary doctoral degree from the University of Basel.