General terms and conditions

Article 1: Definitions

  1. “Client”: the party that has given an assignment to TechMed Centre to organize one or more Events and/or for the coordination of an Event.
  2. “Event”: a meeting or conference organized/coordinated by TechMed Centre in cooperation with Clients or on its own initiative.
  3. “Event visitor”: a visitor to an Event.
  4. “TechMed Centre”: TechMed Centre

Article 2: General

  1. Unless emphatically expressed otherwise in writing, these general terms and conditions apply to all agreements, offers and propositions of TechMed Centre with regard to participation in and organization/coordination of Events.
  2. The applicability of any purchasing terms and conditions or other general terms and conditions of Participant is explicitly excluded.
  3. Should one or more provisions of these general terms and conditions wholly or partially become invalid or void, the remaining provisions of these general terms and conditions shall remain fully applicable. TechMed Centre and Participant will enter into negotiations to agree on new provisions to replace the invalid or void provisions, which comply, as much as possible with the purpose and intent of the original provisions.

Article 3: Payment Event visitor

  1. Payment must be made within fourteen (14) days after the invoice date, in the currency specified by TechMed Centre.
  2. Any overdue, unpaid invoice or any overdue outstanding balance will automatically and by operation of law, increase with an interest rate of five percent (5%) per month on the already  overdue outstanding amount without judicial intervention or notice of default.
  3. All judicial and extrajudicial costs, costs for lawyers, bailiffs and debt collection agencies included, shall be borne by the Event visitor.
  4. If the Event visitor believes that the billing(s) by TechMed Centre are incorrect, Event visitor is obliged to specify its objections by written notice within eight (8) days upon the date of invoice.

Article 4: Cancellation Event visitor

  1. Event visitor can make a cancellation in writing, up to one (1) month prior to the Event and free of charge.
  2. Event Visitor can make a cancellation in writing, between 1 October 2023 to 24 October 2023 against a payment of 25% of the purchased ticket. Thereafter Event visitor is required to pay the full amount due.

Article 7: Liability Event visitor

  1. Participation in an Event, in whatever form, is always at Event visitor’s own risk. TechMed Centre is not liable for personal injury sustained during the Event, except in the cases of a wilful act or gross negligence by TechMed Centre.
  2. TechMed Centre is also not liable in case of loss, theft or damage of items of value, estate, jewellery, art objects, valuable documents or other items of value. The safekeeping of the aforementioned items of value is carried out exclusively at the risk of Event visitor.
  3. Event visitor is obliged to compensate the damages caused to TechMed Centre by itself or a third party for which Event visitor is responsible during an Event.

Article 10: Complaints

  1. Complaints relating to the organization of the Event should be reported as soon as possible by written notice or e-mail message, but ultimately within three (3) days after the Event. Complaints after the period referred to in the previous sentence will not be considered.

Article 11: Force Majeure

  1. If TechMed Centre’s performance under these General Terms and Conditions is delayed or prevented by circumstances beyond its reasonable control, TechMed Centre will not be in breach of such conditions because of that delay in performance. However, if the delay in performance is more than three (3) months, any Participant may terminate its agreement with TechMed Centre with immediate effect by giving written notice.

Article 12: Changes or cancellation of an Event

  1. TechMed Centre reserves the right to cancel the Event, change the location or the date of the Event by written notice at least one (1) month in advance of the Event, without being obliged to pay any compensation to any Event.
  2. When TechMed Centre decides to change a fixed Event location or date, or the Event has to be cancelled, pursuant to the provisions of section 1 of this article, a Participant in no circumstances can claim compensation from TechMed Centre.
  3. The Event visitor is entitled to cancel its visit free of charge, in writing to TechMed Centre within five (5) working days after TechMed Centre has informed the Event visitor that the date of the Event has been changed.
  4. In case of cancellation of an Event by TechMed Centre or the provisions mentioned in section 3 of this article TechMed Centre will refund the amount already paid.

Article 13: Intellectual Property, Data protection and Footage

  1. Participant is not authorized to duplicate (parts of) the program booklet, posters, flyers and or (promotional) material produced by, or on behalf, of TechMed Centre.
  2. TechMed Centre collects, processes, and uses data of Participants, in accordance with data protection laws and its privacy statement. Photos and/or film footage will be taken at the Event and will be used for promotional use which shall include, but is not limited to, publications on social media, the TechMed Centre website, TechMed Centre newsletters and invitations for other Events. By accepting these general terms and conditions and attending an Event, a Participant gives permission to TechMed Centre for publication of photos made and film footage, in which Participant is visible.
  3. A Participant who appears in the material is not entitled to claim any fees; nor can a Participant demand to be mentioned by name if the material is published. If participant no longer consents to publication in the future, such Participant may withdraw its consent from TechMed Centre in writing at any time.

Article 14: Governing Law and Competent Court

  1. These terms shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Netherlands.
  2. The courts of Overijssel, The Netherlands, shall have exclusive jurisdiction over a dispute arising out of or in connection with these terms, as well as over any claims to demand performance under these terms.