The TechMed EventProgrammeKeynote talk: Prof.dr. Diederik Gommers

Keynote talk: Prof.dr. Diederik Gommers

Keynote talk

The closing lecture of this year’s TechMed event will be by Prof. Dr. Diederik Gommers, head of Intensive Care at Erasmus MC and probably by far the most famous intensivist the Netherlands has ever known. He was a member of the Outbreak Management Team that advised the Dutch government on measures required to reduce the spread of Covid-19. Today he is one of the advocates for more sustainability in healthcare. He claims that it is time that sustainability becomes an integral part of the thinking and doing of the healthcare sector, which requires vision and clear, enforceable objectives. The TechMed Centre is looking forward to hearing his vision and the role he foresees for technology, as we also know he also is a well-known ambassador of technical medical studies.

Prof.Dr. Diederik Gommers
Intensivist and professor of Intensive Care Medicine, Erasmus MC

Where & When
  • Time: 16.20 - 17.10
  • Language: English
  • Room: MAIN Stage (TL 2275 | First floor)
  • Available seats: 250
  • Format: Live (session will be recorded)


Diederik Gommers has been an intensivist working at Erasmus MC since 2005. In 2014, Gommers was appointed extraordinary professor at Erasmus University Rotterdam with a specialisation in intensive care medicine. He was chairman of the NVIC for six years, and the last two years were special because of his active involvement in dealing with the Corona crisis and participated in the Outbreak Management Team advising the Rutte government. Now he is concerned with the 'ICU of the future' where healthcare professionals enjoy working and are optimally supported by data and technology without losing sight of the human touch.