Dr. Carla Cofiño Fabres

Dr. Carla Cofiño Fabres

By embracing collaboration we drive innovation of translational research, accelerating drug screening and disease modeling

Dr. Carla Cofiño Fabres

On generating spin-off activities in the Organ-on-Chip field

New three-dimensional cardiac in vitro models based on human pluripotent stem cells are a promising technology to be used for the discovery and development of novel cardiac drugs. In this talk, a comprehensive perspective on the symbiotic relationship between academia and the practical translation of research will be given. Particularly, on the interplay between high-tech research and entrepreneurial innovation, offering insights into the challenges, opportunities, and collaborative synergies that drive progress in the heart-on-chip field.

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River Biomedics




Carla holds a bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology from University of Barcelona and a Master’s degree in Bioengineering from IQS – University Ramon Llull. In 2018, she joined as a PhD candidate at the AST group, University of Twente. In October 2023, she defended her thesis titled "Advancements in bioengineering and molecular techniques for driving maturation of human pluripotent stem-cell derived cardiac three-dimensional models". Currently she continues her research at AST as a postdoc.





13.15 - 14.30

Organ on a chip: Better designs, better health

Innovation Stage | Ground floor