Charline Kuipers

Charline Kuipers

Innovation only happens when people work together

Charline Kuipers

Innovation through collaboration

Our mission is to optimize patient temperature management, ensuring optimal outcomes for individuals undergoing various medical procedures. We have frequently collaborated with the UT, utilizing their state-of-the-art facilities to test and refine our products in clinical settings. The collaborations have been invaluable in driving our product development and improving patient care. During my presentation, I will share our journey of innovation and the role of the UT in advancing our technology.

Personal information


The Surgical Company


R&D Engineer


I am happy to speak at the 'Acceleration innovation experiences of the TechMed innovations hub' as a representative of our medical technology company. As an R&D Engineer, I am committed to the development of our medical products to advance healthcare. I graduated in 2020 from the University of Twente as a Biomedical Engineer and have worked for The Surgical Company since 1.5 years. I look forward to sharing our story, emphasizing on the importance of collaboration in driving medical innovations.





14.45 - 16.00

Accelerating innovation: Experience of the TechMed Innovation Hub

Full Focus | Floor 2