Huawei Wang

Huawei Wang

Digitalization is far more than over, for some fields it haven't started yet.

Huawei Wang

A new digital era of AI powered running sport

Running is popular, and what also popular is muscle injuries. Scientific studies showed that about half of running population get injuried each year. Current common solutions of this including garmin watches which only provide limited information (heart rate, running speed), and physio running analysis which is only a snapshot of the running. We are developing a wearable solution that be able to create in-depth musculoskeletal digital twins of runners while they are running outside. From the in-depth digital twin, we are able to estimate muscle conditions, such as strength, as well as fatigue levels. This enable us to build a valuable big dataset and allow powerful AI algorthims to predict the injury risks. We alter runners via their smart phones and garmin watches, so that they can take actions before injuries are formulated. Market validation has shown positive reactions to this solution from the runners, running shop owners, as well as physios that specilized in running.

Personal information






My biggest career passion now is in sports innovation with high-tech wearables. With several of my colleagues, I am currently leading a spin-off company called wearM.AI [/where am I/]. We achieve muscle-level deep movement digitalization (DMD) through fully wearable sensor systems and real-time neuromusculoskeletal (MSK) models. I am also employed as a scientific researcher at the University of Twente (NL).





14.45 - 16.00

Accelerating innovation: Experience of the TechMed Innovation Hub

Full Focus | Floor 2