Laurens Spoelstra MSc

Laurens Spoelstra MSc

Multidisciplinary collaboration is key in developing Organ-on-Chip models!

Laurens Spoelstra MSc

Embedding Organ-on-Chips in research and educationEmbedding Organ-on-Chips in research and education

In this presentation, I will present how my proposal for multidisciplinary collaboration within two different UT faculties and three different research groups allowed me to obtain the TGS award for my research focusing on developing a Joint-on-Chip platform for arthritis. I will explain how the key strengths of each of the groups are represented in my work, and show examples of the development of a Synovial-membrane-on-Chip and the Cartilage-on-Chip, the key components of the Joint-on-Chip we are developing.

This presentation is together with Prof. Marcel Karperien.

Personal information


University of Twente


PhD Candidate


Laurens Spoelstra obtained his bachelor's and master's degree in Biomedical Engineering with a specialization in Bioengineering Technologies from the University of Twente in 2020 and 2022. He worked on developing and designing a Joint-on-chip multi-organ-on-chip platform to study arthritis. After winning the TGS Award 2022 for the continuation of this project, he is now working as a PhD Candidate in a collaboration of the DBE, BIOS, and AMBER groups.





13.15 - 14.30

Organ on a chip: Better designs, better health

Innovation Stage | Ground floor