Dr. Pepijn Beekman

Dr. Pepijn Beekman

Simply make it count

Dr. Pepijn Beekman

Using research to create impact

At the University of Twente, several high tech platforms were developed to analyse and detect small biomarkers. Academically these projects were state of the art but Pepijn and his colleague Dilu recognized that true impact would come from industrializing a very simple but revolutionary technology. ECsens (now Occam Dx) was established exactly when the COVID pandemic started. It became apparent that viruses are an ideal target for the new biosensor. Pivoting to this new application resulted in overwhelming attention and support. Through (emergency) public-private partnerships, private investments and EU subsidies, the company grew to what it is today. When the first product is market-ready, the impossible will be made simple: counting bacteria and viruses one by one, in real-time, at the point of care, will be available to all within a few years.

Personal information


Occam Dx


CTO and co-founder


With a background in nanotechnology (at UT), Pepijn was working on new tools for cancer diagnostics in his PhD (Wageningen + Twente).





14.45 - 16.00

Accelerating innovation: Experience of the TechMed Innovation Hub

Full Focus | Floor 2