Dr. Tom Hueting MSc

Dr. Tom Hueting

Intelligent personalized technologies depend on the accurate representation of individual risks and benefits

Dr. Tom Hueting

To develop intelligent, personalized technologies

Evidencio provides an online platform for medical algorithms. Users can create an online calculator and web application of their algorithm within a few hours without requiring any knowledge on software development. The online tool can be easily shared with peers, added to your research paper, validated by external users, and integrated into third party applications such as the electronic health record. Algorithms intended to support medical decisions often require formal approval by a Notified Body and obtain a CE mark before they can be used in medical practice. Evidencio has implemented the required certified quality management system, and provides services to obtain the CE mark. This presentation will focus on the software provided by Evidencio for researchers working on the development, (external) validation, and impact assessment of medical algorithms.

Personal information


Evidencio B.V.


Chief Operating Officer


I have background as a physical therapist, and subsequently achieved both my master in health sciences, and my PhD on clinical prediction modelling at the University of Twente. I am currently responsible for operational activities at Evidencio, where we provide a platform and online library for medical algorithms with which we aim to bridge a gap between scientific output and clinical adoption of valuable medical decision support tools.





14.45 - 16.00

Personalised eHealth for sustainable healthcare

Inspiration Stage | Ground floor