Hugo Touw PhD

Dr. Hugo Touw

We should take everything into account

Dr. Hugo Touw

Reuse in Healthcare

Transformative journey of repurposing items like the isolation gowns used in ICUs, and the shift to reusable mats and scissors. Beyond merely introducing these innovations, the presentations offers a comprehensive look at their life cycle assessments, providing insights into the holistic impact of these changes. From ideation to implementation, sharing the challenges faced and the hurdles jumped to actualize this sustainable vision.
This presentation is not just about innovative examples but also the drive, resilience, and strategic thinking required to make sustainable transitions a reality in healthcare.

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Intensivist and Radboudumc's Ambassador for Sustainability. Dr. Touw founded the Platform for Sustainable Healthcare Professionals at Radboudumc and has been pivotal in securing a ZonMw grant to explore the environmental impacts of healthcare. Notably, he's also a member of the Groene IC Committee within the Dutch Intensive Care Society.
Hugo's holistic perspective on sustainability extends beyond conventional bounds, emphasizing poverty alleviation and disease prevention.





11.00 - 12.15

The interconnectedness and shared challenges of healthcare and planetary health

Main Stage | Floor 1

14.45 - 16.00

Closing the loop: Embracing a circular economy for sustainable healthcare

Main Stage | Floor 1