Sigert Mevissen

Live streaming of stereoscopic microscope videos during microsurgery to enable remote 3D viewing for assistance and education purposes

A technological solution has been developed to stream 3D stereoscopic videos from the operating microscope in real-time with minimal latency to any place in the world for remote advice from colleagues or the supervision of trainees. From the ocular views, side-by-side 3D videos were constructed and streamed through a secure link to a mobile phone placed in VR glasses for 3D viewing with minimal latency (<0.5s). The setup was successfully tested during otologic surgical procedures. This remote 3D viewing solution proves to be safe, practical and effective for expert assistance and education during for microsurgeries while adhering to applicable regulations.

Personal information


Deventer Ziekenhuis


Biomedical engineer


I am a biomedical engineer with knowledge of signal processing, 3D videos, movement analysis, data science and sensors. I am currently working on a system that allows you to stream video real time from the OR to any phone in 3D stereoscopic format to enable remote coaching with depth perception. I also work with IMUs in eye surgery patients to find a relationship between patient movement and graft detachment.





14.45 - 16.00

Pioneers in Healthcare: The strength of regional collaborations 

Full Focus | First floor