The TechMed EventProgrammeMovement disorders: Where clinics meets engineering

Movement disorders: Where clinics meets engineering

Being able to move freely and without pain is essential for our quality of life. Nevertheless, for one in eight people this is not natural and effortless. What are the newest inventions were the field is working on? And will we be able to all together set foot into this?

Technological aids will be key to further improve the motor abilities and the independence of persons with a neurological disorder. In the development of these technological aids a close collaboration between clinicians, engineers and academia is needed to assure that the right challenges are being tackled in the right way. In this session we will bring together rehabilitation physicians, who will highlight the need and their wishes to improve the movement of their patients,  and engineers/academics, who will highlight the latest technological developments and how these development could improve the life of patients. After the separate contributions of the speakers we will have lively discussions on how we can further improve the alignment of the needs/wishes and the technological developments.

  • When: November 3
  • Time: 14.00 - 16.00
  • How: Live & Digital
  • For whom: All attendees
  • Host: Prof.dr. Hans Rietman & Dr. Edwin van Asseldonk

The programme

14.00 - 14.10

Welcome & Introduction
Prof.dr. Hans Rietman & Dr. Edwin van Asseldonk - University of Twente

14.10 - 14.25

14.25 - 14.40

14.40 - 14.55

Part 1: Spinal cord Injuries
Arm/hand function in relation to level of cervical spinal cord injury
Drs. Ellen Maas - Roessingh

Get a GRIP: supporting hand function in SCI
Claudia Haarman - Hankamp Rehab & University of Twente


15.00 - 15.15

15.15 - 15.30

15.30 - 15.45

15.45 - 16.00

Part 2: Cerebral Palsy
Clinical aspects CP
Martin Oude Alink - Roessingh

Assessment of movements Bert-Jan van Beijnum - University of Twente

Technological solutions to improve pathological gait in children with CP
Cristina Bayón PhD - University of Twente


The speakers & Abstracts

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